Van Til on the Folly of Assuming Neutrality

Eve was compelled to assume the equal ultimacy of the minds of God, of the devil, and of herself.  And this surely excluded the exclusive ultimacy of God.  This therefore was a denial of God’s absoluteness epistemologically.  Thus neutrality was based upon negation.  Neutrality is negation. (italics in original). – Cornelius Van Til, A Survey of Christian Epistemology, 21.

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Sturz opines on ‘Lower Critical Naivete’

Westcott and Hort’s insistence that the text of the New Testament was not altered in any material respect from doctrinal motives was made in the face of the fact that this was one of the primary reasons given by the early Fathers for changes in the text. – Harry A. Sturz, The Byzantine Text-Type and New Testament Textual Criticism, 120 n.11.

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Calvin on Heart Matters

The Lord requires that the glory of His divinity remain whole and uncorrupted not only in outward confession, but in His own eyes, which gaze upon the most secret recesses of our hearts. – John Calvin, Institutes of the Christian Religion, 2.8.16 (I.329).

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Thomas Vincent on Contemplation of Christ

Get often into the mount of divine contemplation, and there look upwards unto heaven and think with yourselves, “Yonder, yonder, above the shining sun, is the more glorious Sun of righteousness. There, at the right of the throne of God, is my beloved Jesus, the Son of God, seated and, though He is so high above me, both in place and dignity, yet He thinks upon me, and pleads for me, and many a gift has He sent and, by

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Lloyd-Jones on True Theology

  How delightful to discuss and to talk about these things [theology, etc.]. What is more enjoyable than this? But it can lead to nothing – nothing at all – if we are not ever mindful of the fact that it is merely the means provided by God to bring us to a knowledge of Himself. – D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones, The Puritans: Their Origins and Successors, 51.

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