What is Progressive Revelation? (Pt.3)

Part Two We have seen that the idea of progressive revelation is connected to two things: the intent behind the communication, and the boundaries prescribed by previous revelation/communication.  I have said that these two concerns, together with a definition of the adjective “progressive” as building or augmenting one thing upon another, necessitates an approach in which the picture does not change out of recognition, but is trackable both forwards and backwards from every point in the progression.  This implies that

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What is Progressive Revelation? (Pt.2)

Part One Towards a Definition of Progressive Revelation Progressive revelation relies in the first instance upon the competence of how that revelation has been communicated.  To deny this point is to cast doubt upon the utility of the modifier “progressive.”  Revelation has to reveal or else it is not a revelation.  Progressive revelation has to reveal progressively in a logically connectable way in order to be what it claims to be, and to thereby substantiate itself. The Example of the

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What is Progressive Revelation? (Pt.1)

Introduction: The Bible as a Communication The Bible is one Book, not two.  It should be read from front to back, not in reverse.  Tracing the chronology of Scripture is, in general terms, an important part of  Bible study.  Everyone is aware that there are cases where specific time-slots cannot be allocated with certainty to some episodes in Judges or the historical vantage point of Obadiah.  You will always find a more liberally inclined person ready to correct you about

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