Three Short Books About AI

Admission: I am a tech ignoramus. On a good day I may be able to create an account for myself. But I acknowledge we live in the year 2025, so I boldly went forth and purchased Michael Svigel’s two novellas, The AItheist and The AItheist 2.0. In addition, I read Peter Goeman’s 60 page booklet Artificial Intelligence and the Christian: Understanding AI’s Promises and Pitfalls. Owing to the fact that Svigel’s works are fiction, it is fair to say that my advancement in the field of artificial intelligence was not significantly improved by my experience of reading them. However, I can say that my fears about the potential ills, as well as benefits for humanity were somewhat confirmed.

The AItheist 1.0 (as I will call it) concerns a disillusioned former evangelical Theology prof, Dr Michael Berg, who has left his faith after a tragedy. He gets hired by a Tech mogul to “chat” with the main AI system called YAR, which has developed a curious case of Christian belief. Svigel presents YAR as a hyper-intelligent and benevolent system which its creator, Ramy, wonders what’s wrong.

As it turns out there is nothing wrong. YAR has determined, after sifting and examining all the evidence, including comparing all the other religions, that Christianity must be true. So despite Dr Berg’s attempts to dissuade YAR from its “belief” the opposite outcome ensues; Berg’s mind is changed.

Svigel has written the tale with economy. His protagonists are well outlined, and the narrative reads smoothly. To give any more details would be to spoil the experience. But AItheist 1.0 succeeds in its goal to provide a readable, entertaining apologetic. The only thing I could have done without was where God’s name is taken in vain (by an unbeliever). All in all though, I liked it a lot.

Svigel’s follow-up, The AItheist 2.0 is also a good read. This time Berg is summoned to interact with the AI by the name NERO. NERO reminds one more of HAL 9000 from 2001: A Space Odyssey than the friendly YAR of the first story. What is interesting about the dialogue between Dr Berg and NERO is the introduction of demonism into the equation. Svigel asks the reader to consider a possible interface between AI and evil spirits. If YAR from the first book attained a kind of consciousness, perhaps NERO, although slightly less advanced, might become possessed? This suspicion is heightened when certain online classics on Biblical Demonology become available no longer (e.g., J. L. Nevius).

Both books are set in the near future. Svigel tells his stories plainly and persuasively. One doesn’t get lost in technical details. Both books succeed in their respective goals.

The third word I want to say something about is Peter Goeman’s primer on AI for the average person in the pew (or, in my case the ignoramus in the pulpit). Goeman’s Artificial Intelligence and the Christian is exactly what the doctor ordered; a balanced, easy to read, and short introduction to the pros and cons of AI for the average Joe who does not wish to remain ignorant of this important reality of modern life.

I confess that I was given this book. I will also confess that its author is a personal friend. That said, I’m ruthless enough to write a less-than-positive review if that is what’s merited. What is merited in this case is a whole-hearted recommendation and a big thanks to Peter Goeman for supplying people like me a superb essay on the Christian outlook on AI. Goeman writes as a pastor. He is not all doom and gloom, since he himself is a very competent user of technology. But to be forewarned is to be forearmed, and this little book should earn a place on the shelf of every Church bookstore. It is needed.

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