Temptations from the world should the less prevail with us, because it is the whole drift of religion to call us off from the world; so that if we be baptized into the spirit of our religion, we should be quite another temper, not apt to be wrought upon by temptations of this kind…What! a christian (sic)? and so worldly? a christian, and so vain and frothy? it is a contradiction. You that are carried out after the pomp and vanities of the world, do you believe in Christ, whose kingdom is not of this world? False christians are branded: 1 John iv. 5, ‘They are of the world, and speak of the world, and the world heareth them;’ they are engulfed in the world, and they would fain draw others to be as bad as themselves.” – Thomas Manton, Works IV. The Life of Faith,120