A Little Dialogue on Geneis One

While I try to loose myself from general busyness, here is a sensible article from an always sensible writer (Lynda O.) about a conversation between a young-earther and an old-earther.  In this case the dialogue is between, if I read it correctly, two dispensatiuonalists.

One of the maddening things about some dispensationalists is how they can be so inconsistent with their hermeneutics while promoting a normal reading of the Bible.  As anyone knows who isn’t plain crooked, a normal reading of Genesis 1 reveals a six 24 hour day creation week capped by a seventh day (cf. Exod. 20:11).  But too many dispies back off from the plain sense at this crucial juncture:



Note: although I am a strong advocate of Young Earth Creationism; believing it to be a clear teaching of the Bible and that the Old Earth position is advocated because believers do not have both eyes on Scripture, I want to say that I do not see OEC as a heresy.  I do, however, think any theistic evolutionism is heresy.

4 comments On A Little Dialogue on Geneis One

  • It is amazing how some Dispensationalists switch hermeneutical strategies with Genesis 1-3 while applying good hermeneutics in establishing their eschatology. I thought Lynda did a good job.

  • I agree with your “Note” that OEC is not a heresy, per se. However, I see it as a serious error that often leads to heresies such as compromises with evolution in a myriad of ways. All forms of evolutionism (including Progressive Creationism) put death before the Fall, and for this reason undermine the Gospel—making them heresies.

    • I think this point has to be hammered to those who claim to uphold a “gospel-centric” view of the Scriptures. I believe Graeme Goldsworthy and John Dickson and most Sydney Anglicans deny six day creation, as do most British conservative evangelicals (Reformed Anglicans)

  • Thank you for these thoughts guys. For my part I believe that many Christians have poor theology which can veer towards heresy if pressed. I see a difference here. Although I agree that progressive creationism is false (and theistic evolution IS heresy) I think many who hold to the former do so without thinking through the ramifications for the Gospel you highlight. I think you agree.

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