An Excellent Piece of True Satire by Jonathan Sarfati

G. K. Chesterton once remarked about the demise of satire.  Well, this piece wouldn’t revive his expectations, but it is still good:

It all comes down to the same thing in the end: when will confessing Christians believe that the Bible means what it says?


6 comments On An Excellent Piece of True Satire by Jonathan Sarfati

  • Wow thanks for bringing this to our attention!

  • Over in this little corner of the world none of the Reformed-leaning Bible teachers believe in literal six-day account in Genesis 1. They all teach at least old earth creationism or worse such as theistic evolution!

    I’m starting to appreciate why no human teachers are perfectly biblical, and big glaring doctrinal problems exist among each major theological school within evangelicalism.

    Fundamentalists: majoring on the gnats such as dress and forgetting the weightier form of doctrine.
    Reformed: anti-Semitism and replacement, plus old earth creationism and even theistic evolution, and depending on particular church – cultural mandate resulting in the social gospel
    Pentecostal/charismatic:subjective feeling disguised as work of the Holy Spirit, market-driven seeker sensitive approach to church, little focus on spiritual growth based on doctrine, and younger congregations tend to be social gospel focused
    Generic evangelical:postmodernism, market-driven seeker sensitive approach to church, and younger congregations tend to be social gospel focused, downplaying of God’s grace’s role in salvation of believers.
    Dispensationalism: pragmatism in presenting the Bible, little focus on spiritual growth based on doctrine, [some] downplaying of God’s grace’s role in salvation of believers, many in early 21st century are also charismatic and the same errors apply.

  • I was doing some more digging of old mud here. It turns out the late Gary North who was famous in the Reformed Calvinist camp for teaching Reconstructionism, had accused dispensationalists of believing on gap theory just from Scofield. He wasn’t wrong on this count – Scofield does believe in old earth. But here is a twist: the Reformed even today is still slamming dispensationalists of gap theory, but they turn a blind eye to those in their own camp like Tim Keller, who teaches day-age theory, and John Stott, who went even further and believd in theistic evolution! Interesting to see how Gary North would think of Tim Keller if he were still around.

    Talk about turning a blind eye to wonky teaching just because he happens to be in the same theological tradition as you. Ha!

    • Joel,
      Gary North is still around (he’s still alive). I do try to read a lot of Theonomic literature and from what I read of him, I don’t think he ever mentioned Tim Keller.

      • Hi SLIMJIM, sorry that I made a mistake here, that I was thinking about R.J. Rushdoony when I wrote that Gary North was no longer here. Thanks for correcting me.

        The other bits about Gary North being young earth and said diepsnationalists had the gap theory and introducing the old earth stuff still stands.

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