Entering Blogsville (with a very small bang)

My friend Tom Pryde is an accomplished blogger. My beautiful wife Gina always has something interesting to say. Many other pals of mine have cool blogs. As for lil’ ol me, well, I’m not sure I really grasp this whole culture of blogdom, blogtown, blog..whatever, but I do enjoy it. So, I’m gonna give it a try.

My blogs will likely center on what I’m doing at Veritas School of Theology or on what I’m reading or what I’m meditating on, or maybe what evangelical goofball or atheist ingrate I’ve allowed myself to be affected by. Whatever it may be, I am going to try to observe the “golden rule of blogging” (orchestra!!) – blog for yourself first.

As I sit here I have just completed the recording of one of the final lectures of my course “The Doctrine of God (1). Today I dealt with the Incomprehensibility of God and the matter of God accommodating Himself to our capacity. I stuck this material near the end of the course because it is somewhat abstract and I hope that the preceding stuff on God’s attributes and trinitatian nature will have ‘prepared’ my students to better appreciate it. I only have to cover God’s names and images (again, placed here in order to bring the discussion back to Scripture), some heretical concepts of God – such as modalism, open-theism and process thought, plus what I believe is a pretty serious problem in J. Feinberg’s formulation of the Trinity, and God’s relation to time (where again Feinberg departs from classic orthodoxy), and I’m done!

After DG (1) has finished I intend to begin recording “Intro. to Biblical Apologetics’ and (DV) and “The Doctrine of Revelation.” I might take a stab at Church History (1) as well. This blog will keep prospective students updated on progress.

Another thing I’m going to start is a “Quote for the Day” category where I shall place a new (and worthwhile) thought from a great Christian of the past -why is it that only dead Christians have great thoughts? – :). Don’t be surprised if the guy has been dead for a few centuries. Folks back then seemed to ruminate on things more than we do today. Precisely why that is the case will maybe be a subject I’ll broach down the road a bit.

Let’s see what happens…..

1 comments On Entering Blogsville (with a very small bang)

  • I’m quite new to blogging, but I rather think you do grasp the concept – at least, I read this entry and found it interesting, and hopefully I’ll find a way of keeping up-to-date with your portion of Blogsville.

    Good golden rule!

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